2 min read
The Tone at the Top
Recently, TCN hosted our quarterly Visioneering Council meeting. Justin Vajko, of Dialog, was the guest speaker and spoke about the importance of the...
2 min read
Recently, TCN hosted our quarterly Visioneering Council meeting. Justin Vajko, of Dialog, was the guest speaker and spoke about the importance of the...
4 min read
Recently, I watched the film Kung Fu Panda 2 with my family. At the beginning of the movie there is a scene where the Panda’s sensei catches a rain...
3 min read
Now what, indeed! We have explored this topic in our podcast and in Chris Comeaux’s part one of this blog. I encourage you to look at these resources...
3 min read
Recently in TCN Talks podcast, I interviewed Christine Lau, RN, LCSW, APHSW-C, about the challenge of going from a peer to the leader of a team....
4 min read
Today, in the midst of the chaos and unpredictability we’re all experiencing, a friend shared an idea with me that impacted me deeply. He said that...
2 min read
"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself." ― Leonardo da Vinci With the popular notion of “servant leadership” floating...
3 min read
Our current blog series focuses on what I refer to as: “The 6 fundamentals needed for a great organization system.” The last blog focused on the...
1 min read
These are challenging times where it seems there is a dearth of leadership in every industry, especially healthcare, and a high performing...
1 min read
Michelle Webb, our TCN Chief Learning Officer, introduced to several of us a book called One Word that will change your life. Here is a short video...
1 min read
What if I could give you 10 additional years on your life, would you be interested? Well who wouldn’t right? Years ago, I heard a leadership lesson...