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Chris Comeaux

The Dash-Cause and Purpose

When I first wrote this blog, I was at my parents’ home in South Louisiana with my family, visiting during spring break.  It had been a couple of years since we had visited.  It was a good week, not just of spending time with family, but also time for retrospection and introspection.  That week of reflection was impactful, and it brought forth an “aha!” moment that I’d like to pay forward to you. 

Work-Life Harmony

Each year, I like to revisit the concept of a work-life balance and find this topic especially...

One Word

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

Strategic Ownership of Problems

Are you a great problem solver? If you are, you likely find that problems stick to you like static...

The Window of Perception: Seeing the World Through Our Own Lens

I can remember years ago reading an early newsletter put out by Stephen Covey and in an article, he...

TCNtalks: Concise Wisdom

We are excited to announce that our podcast, TCNtalks, recently reached over 5,000 downloads! With...

The Space Between Stimulus and Response

As a working parent with young children, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to balance the...

Mastering the Art of Re-Entry: The Key to a Less-Stressful Return from Vacation

Do you have any vacations planned this summer?  Summer is here and so I truly hope you do.  Stephen...

The Knowing Mode Vs. The Learning Mode

If you were able to observe yourself, do you know what your question-to-statement ratio is on a...

The Tone at the Top

Recently, TCN hosted our quarterly Visioneering Council meeting.  Justin Vajko, of Dialog, was the...