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The Window of Perception: Seeing the World Through Our Own Lens

I can remember years ago reading an early newsletter put out by Stephen Covey and in an article, he...

The Importance of Questions in Sales

Almost all of us have experienced a time when we wanted or needed something very specific. We...

Communication & Collaboration – Make-or-Breaks for Solid Teams

How goes it, friends?  I’m Rochelle and potentially a new face for you as part of our TCN team.  


How to be a “Zoom Rockstar”

Do you remember back a long, long time ago when a phone call was pretty much how you got things...

The Weekly Update:  Power of Intentional & Reliable Communication from the LEADER

We look forward to the yearly Employee Engagement survey and shake our heads in wonder when the...

The Evolution of the Executive and Executive Assistant Relationship

The Evolution of the Executive and Executive Assistant Relationship: The Ingredients. Arguably the...