Care as it should be.
Innovate healthcare. Influence humanity. Impact life.
We are stronger together.
We live in the Learning Mode.
We walk the walk and our word is golden.
We lead by example.
We enhance and elevate forward thinking results.
We strive for more than others think is possible and
expect more than others think is practical, first of ourselves, and then of others.
We seek optimal Return on Investment (ROI) through
relentless Return on Attention (ROA).
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
TCN commits to listen, learn, and grow. From that learning, we will chart a path that allows TCN to be part of the solution and not perpetuate or be part of the problem. We will utilize our platform to advance the broader conversation and we will do it passionately. We commit to focus our efforts on cultivating a culture of inclusion and advocating for health equity. We will continuously endeavor to be a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace that fosters a deep sense of belonging. We commit to revisiting this statement frequently to maintain focus and ensure progress. This will be a journey.
What we stand for
The TCN staff and Board of Directors stand for Liberty, Equality, and Freedom for All because of our fundamental belief that all human life is intrinsically valuable and worthy of dignity and respect. With the sphere of influence we have been given, we believe it is our responsibility to preserve that right, freedom, and opportunity for everyone. We exist to serve our mission. TCN welcomes the entire range of human experience to apply their talents, their ability to learn and grow, and their purpose, to advance TCN’s cause and purpose which is articulated in our Mission, Vision, and Values Statements.
TCN has great values, ideals we aspire to daily. Given those values which are drawn from universal truths we would never knowingly condone, promote, or tolerate prejudice, racism, oppression, or discrimination via our words, deeds, actions, or inactions.
This is who we are as an organization and as individuals, and how we strive to become better on our journey towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and for the patients and families our organization members serve.
Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you. – L.R. Knost