The Window of Perception: Seeing the World Through Our Own Lens
I can remember years ago reading an early newsletter put out by Stephen Covey and in an article, he had the following picture of a person with a...
Almost all of us have experienced a time when we wanted or needed something very specific. We talked about and told others what we wanted. Yet, when the time came and someone got it for us, it was not what we had asked for at all. Maybe the color or size were wrong, or maybe it was the wrong brand. Nonetheless, it was a disappointment.
How could this happen?
You told them exactly what you wanted.
Taking the time to clarify and confirm is key to giving and getting the right gift. Hospice sales requires the same intentionality in clarifying and confirming with our Referral Partners and other customers.
Questions allow us to ensure we understood exactly what is wanted. If there are options to choose from, or an implied time-line, it is important to verify you have all the details. "To clarify, it is important to you to have this by the end of the day today, correct?"
It is important to confirm what your customer said, not what you think they said. An example of a confirming question is "What I heard you say was _______." This allows you to clear up confusion before giving the wrong gift or solution.
When vague answers are given like "make my phone stop ringing" it is important to find out the details of what the phone is ringing. Eliminate any assumptions.
When someone says "communication is key," ask them to define communication from their perspective. Ask for examples of how and when they want communication.
If a person says they need more time in the day, it is imperative we understand what is taking more time than they have allotted. Also, if they had more time, what would they focus on?
For successful consultative sales, it is important that we take the time to invest in the other person, which means we dig to understand before we offer a solution. When a solution solves a problem, it truly is a gift.
Stephanie Lucas, Former Vice President of Growth
October 4-6, 2021
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An organizational model that allows not-for-profit hospices (Members) to leverage best practices, achieve economies of scale and collaborate in ways that better prepare each agency to participate in emerging alternative payment models and advance their charitable missions.
I can remember years ago reading an early newsletter put out by Stephen Covey and in an article, he had the following picture of a person with a...
Imagine if your organization was fully able to live its mission with confidence and competence. Imagine that everyone in your organization was truly...
Last month, I led TCN’s bi-annual Growth Immersion, a sales training offered exclusively to not-for-profit hospice providers.We had considerable...