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The Dash-Cause and Purpose

When I first wrote this blog, I was at my parents’ home in South Louisiana with my family, visiting during spring break.  It had been a couple of years since we had visited.  It was a good week, not just of spending time with family, but also time for retrospection and introspection.  That week of reflection was impactful, and it brought forth an “aha!” moment that I’d like to pay forward to you. 

Proven Tips for Recruiting Top Talent

Tip Two: Train the Interviewers

Proven Tips for Recruiting Top Talent

What if I told you that there are three recruiting tips that are sure to make your life easier?...

Work-Life Harmony

Each year, I like to revisit the concept of a work-life balance and find this topic especially...

Culture of Collaboration: Courage

Step 3: STOP the Chatter and START the Courage. This is the third and final installment of our blog...

Culture of Collaboration: Moving Forward

Moving Forward with Creating a Culture of Collaboration - Step 2: STOP Complaining and START...

Culture of Collaboration

How to create and sustain a high-performance culture where collaboration, curiosity, and courage...

One Word

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3

Are We Creating A Culture Of Innovation

During my four decades of nonprofit service, I participated in countless conversations with board...

10 Leadership Lessons

This post is long and several of you will not read it all.  That will be ironic as part of what I...