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The Perfectly Imperfect Journey: Embracing Excellence
7 min read

The Perfectly Imperfect Journey: Embracing Excellence

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Hey there, fellow perfectionist!

Have you ever felt like you’re on a never-ending treadmill, chasing perfection in every aspect of your life?  Whether it’s at work, in your hobbies, or even in your relationships, the pressure to be flawless can sometimes feel like a heavy burden.  But what if I told you there’s a more fulfilling way to approach life’s challenges—one that’s about growth, flexibility, and keeping it real?


Perfection Vs. Excellence:
Understanding The Difference

First things first, let’s clarify what we’re dealing with here.  Perfectionism is like that unforgiving teacher who expects you to get everything right on the first try.  It’s rigid, unrealistic, and often leaves you feeling drained and disheartened.  On the flip side, excellence is more akin to a supportive mentor who understands that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.  It’s about aiming high while also giving yourself the grace to stumble along the way.  Excellence is the common thing accomplished in an uncommon way (think innovation).  It is continuous learning, challenging yourself and others (think learning mode).  Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.


Why Embracing Vulnerability Is Key

Here’s the kicker: excellence thrives on vulnerability.  Yes, you read me right.  It takes real courage to admit that you’re not perfect and to be open to feedback and criticism.  Embracing vulnerability means being open to new experiences and opportunities for growth.  When you let go of the need to be flawless, you give yourself permission to explore, experiment, and evolve.


The Power of Consistency and Persistence

In the pursuit of excellence, consistency and persistence play pivotal roles.  It’s not about hitting a home run every single time; it’s about showing up, day in and day out, and putting in the effort.  Celebrate your small wins, learn from your missteps, and never give up—even when you strike out.  Remember, it’s the incremental progress that leads to outstanding results.


Going Above and Beyond

Excellence is not just about meeting expectations; it’s about surpassing them.  It’s about daring to be different, challenging the status quo, and leaving a mark on the world.  Forget about playing it safe or settling for mediocrity, excellence is about pushing boundaries, making a difference, and continually striving to be better, no matter how big or small the impact.


The Trade-Off: Perfectionism vs. Excellence

Let’s take a moment to compare the two:



  • Impossibly high standards that are often unattainable
  • Mistakes are seen as failures that must be avoided at all costs
  • Focused solely on the outcome, disregarding the journey
  • Rigid, with a belief that there’s only one correct way to do things



  • High standards that are achievable with effort, practice, and persistence
  • Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities, not failures
  • Values the process and the journey as much as the outcome
  • Flexible, with an understanding that there are multiple ways to achieve success


Are you ready for the paradigm shift? 

Making the trade from perfectionism to excellence involves an intentional and significant shift in mindset.  We must make the trade:



Perfectionism and Excellence



Pursuing excellence rather than perfectionism will build you up rather than erode you.  It’s about fostering a growth mindset, where the journey is just as important as the destination.  By valuing effort and progress over unattainable perfection, you’ll find yourself more fulfilled, more inspired, and more resilient.  Because true fulfillment doesn’t come from being perfect, it comes from embracing who you are — flaws and all — and striving to be the best version of yourself.


So, to all my fellow perfectionists out there: it’s time to let go of the unattainable quest for perfection and embrace the beautifully imperfect journey of excellence.  Be open to vulnerability, celebrate every win (no matter how small), and keep pushing toward your dreams.  Embrace the perfectly imperfect journey of excellence.  Trust me, you won’t regret it.




Chantelle Buchanan

Director of Administration
& Knowledge Management, TCN




Chris Comeaux

President / CEO, TCN



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