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4 min read

What If I Could Give You 10 Additional Years On Your Life, Would You Be Interested?

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What if I could give you 10 additional years on your life, would you be interested?  Well who wouldn’t right? Years ago, I heard a leadership lesson from John Maxwell where he said that the average executive spends 10 years of their life looking for stuff because they are not organized.  Does that hit close to home for you? 


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Do you get that anxious feeling when you know you need to work on a project, but you must find some things to start on it; and, then you procrastinate even more due to the challenge of you having to find additional items to move the project forward.  When I heard John Maxwell’s talk that day, I remember thinking to myself, “Man I could use that time in a much better way,” and I endeavored to get even better at my organization system and to read and research what a best practice system would look like.

So, after many years of reading and researching I have concluded you can certainly teach people tools and some might adapt those tools and others will say, “those tools don’t work for me.”  I firmly believe that you must build and teach an organization system based on principles or fundamentals so that people can research and select their own tools to comply with the fundamental because every great system is based on certain fundamentals.




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So, what are the fundamentals of an effective organization system? Over the years I have identified six that can prevent you from spending ten years of your life looking for things.   Theare as follows:  

(I do have a standing bet of $100 which I will gladly pay if you can come up with another fundamental(s).)

While each of these might seem simple at first glance there is some learning in each area that I will review in the next several blogs.

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Chris Comeaux,President / CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network


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