Have you ever tried to do something and you found that you did not have a system to approach it? Think of a bunch of chores you must get done at home. Do you just jump in and tackle them throwing yourself at tasks and, through sheer force, you get them done?

How does that usually work out for you? You probably waste energy and effort and are stressed along the way. However, if you were to step back and assess the task before you, plot a course, plan the tools you will use, and identify new tools that you may need to acquire in order to get the job done you will find that this is a much better approach!

This is a great analogy to how we should approach leading our organizations. Rather than sheer blunt force of throwing yourself at tasks to get them done at the expense of those around you, or on the other end of the extreme, giving the appearance of being disengaged so your team has to do everything, when you have a leadership tools in your toolbox you can use them to lessen the gap between the two extremes and choose a much more effective approach.
So what is a leadership system? It is a comprehensive toolbox of tools that help you move from setting a vision to building the foundation of your organization through mission, values, and service standards and everything in between. It includes setting a strategic plan, not some pie in the sky plan that goes on the shelf and you never look at again; but rather a plan that is visualized in such a way that it helps to truly drive performance. And not just drive performance, but drive it in the direction you intend it to go rather than where it just happens to go. Finally, it includes tools that enable you and all your team to truly get things done on a daily basis and have fun while you are doing them.
So, what are the components of the leadership system? They are organized as follows:
- Chapter 1 - The Foundation of “What is Leadership?” to Ensure we have a Common Lexicon
- Chapter 2 - First Things First
- Chapter 3 - High Performance Planning
- Chapter 4 - How to Eat the Elephant
- Chapter 5 - Fluid and Dynamic
- Chapter 6 - The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It
- Chapter 7 - The Right People on the Bus
- Chapter 8 - Death by Meeting………..Not
- Chapter 9 - Talk Don’t Cook Gumbo or Rice
- Chapter 10 - Virtuosic Communication
- Chapter 11 - Competent People = Competent Organization
- Chapter 12 - Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
- Chapter 13 - Quality is Everyone’s Business
- Chapter 14 - A Culture of Service
- Chapter 15 - You Don’t Need an MBA to Understand Numbers
Where has this system been tried and tested? Well in one of the toughest industries possible, the hospice and palliative care industry. Why there? Well that is where I have spent most of my career although I do have Big 4 and Fortune 500 experience and some of the system was discovered there. But, also what makes palliative care and hospice ingenious systems of care is that they are built on some great principles. So, we ported those principles into the leadership system. Principles like:
- looking at complex systems holistically rather than piecemeal
- teamwork
- you must have a plan with goals to galvanize everyone and enable them to be moving in the same direction.
So, look for future blogs where we go more depth into the tools of the TCN Leadership System.
"You may never fully know this side of eternity the impact you are having on others."
Chris Comeaux, President / CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network

An organizational model that allows not-for-profit hospices (Members) to leverage best practices, achieve economies of scale and collaborate in ways that better prepare each agency to participate in emerging alternative payment models and advance their charitable missions.