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Year in Review for 2024 and One Word
6 min read

Year in Review for 2024 and One Word

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In this podcast episode, host Chris Comeaux does a recap of the top podcasts of 2024.  First for TCNtalks with amazing guests like New York Times best-selling author John Burke, Peter Benjamin, Dr. Ira Byock, and Judi Lund Person.




Chris then does a recap from our first year of our new podcast, Anatomy of Leadership, with great guests such as Quint Studer, Meridith Elliott Powell, John Locke, and Brian Jaudon.


Additionally, Chris introduces the intriguing concept of the "One Word," which serves as a thematic or guiding principle for the upcoming year.  This is a great piece of wisdom Teleios and many of it’s members practice every year.  This is a much more powerful way to set the tone and intention for your upcoming year and is much more useful than a New Year’s Resolution which seem to wane about thirty days into the New Year. 


cube with words written on it.


By looking back on the past year and gazing forward, individuals can gain clarity about their personal causes and purposes.  Selecting a One Word for the year can offer a focused and directional approach to both personal and professional life.


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Chris Comeaux

Chris Comeaux
President / CEO    TCN / TCG

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The Anatomy Of Leadership
Book On Amazon 




Podcast Quote

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. ' Rumi


Mark Twain Quote-1


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Dragonfly Health




This is a great listen and way to wrap up your 2024 with an eye towards 2025. Join us, this is timely and relevant.