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5 min read

Cause and Purpose With Brian Jaudon

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In this episode of the Anatomy of Leadership, Brian Jaudon, founder of the Pisgah Coaching Institute, and Chris discuss Brian’s coaching methodology and the importance of whole system coaching. 



Brian emphasizes the need to honor the whole person and enroll all aspects of the individual in the coaching process.  Brian shares his belief in synchronicity and the power of serendipitous encounters in shaping our lives.  Chris and Brian unpack what that means.  They also explore the concept of success and the importance of being fully committed to our goals.


Vision is a centerpiece of the coaching method, as it guides individuals in fulfilling their cause and purpose.  The gifts that individuals possess play a crucial role in their fulfillment and contribution to the world.


Key Takeaways:

  • Whole system coaching honors the whole person and enrolls all aspects of the individual in the coaching process.
  • Synchronicity and serendipitous encounters play a significant role in shaping our lives and connecting us with the right people and opportunities.
  • Success requires being fully committed and aligned with our goals and aspirations.
  • The Pisgah Coaching Institute is named after Mount Pisgah, symbolizing the ability to see the promised land and the impossible. Pisgah coaching is about shifting perspectives and making the impossible possible.
  • Vision is a centerpiece of the coaching method, guiding individuals in fulfilling their purpose.
  • Individuals possess unique gifts that play a crucial role in their fulfillment and contribution to the world.
  • The constellation exercise reveals hidden dynamics in human systems and helps them evolve and flourish.

Join us, this is great listen around cause and purpose.



Brian Jaudon, The founder of the Pisgah Coaching Institute

Brian Jaudon
The founder of the Pisgah Coaching Institute





Chris Comeaux

Chris Comeaux
MLAS, CPA; President/CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network
and Teleios Consulting Group

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