“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3
Each year my family and I, as well as our TCN family, choose one word that represents a theme for us in the New Year.
We believe this is much better than a resolution, as it contains more power to carry us forward through the entire year and guides and defines our annual journey.
To illustrate this point, look at this video based on the book called One Word that will change your life. It is well worth the 3 minute watch.
Each year I prayerfully consider what my “word” should be. A few years ago, it was wisdom, and this past year it was courageous. An interesting thing about choosing just one word is that you enter the year thinking you know what the word represents, but, for as long as I have been doing this, the year ends up being a journey where I come to understand the word in a different way during the year.
The year that my word was wisdom was the year I went through my bicycle accident that I am lucky to have survived. Now, I am wiser indeed: wiser in knowing what is really important. I used to look at things like working out, going to the store for my wife, doing things around the house, and, yes, a bike ride, as chores – things I had to get done. After that year, I see them all as blessings. I am more thankful and more grateful because I realize that I have an opportunity to live out my cause and purpose in doing all those things. I tend to fall into “get it done” or task mode, so the wisdom of my word for that year taught me that life is a journey, we should enjoy every moment, we can choose to be present in the moment, and moments of “doing” can be blessings.
The following year I felt drawn to the word solitude, and that word was confirmed in a dramatic way. I was on my way to Louisiana with my family for the Christmas holiday and I was looking for confirmation that solitude indeed was my word. As I was driving, I had the thought that it was a tough word to get confirmation on and I wondered how that would happen. I looked up and saw this. I still laugh thinking about this moment.
For that year, my word led me to spend more quiet time in the morning reflecting and giving thanks. The part I did not expect is that it came to mean needing more quiet time in my life. It taught me that I don’t always have to be doing something and I don’t always have to be learning something, listening to something, or checking something off my list. In fact, during that year I felt led to fill in for our pastor and my sermon was called “Wisdom and Solitude”. In preparing for that sermon, God taught me something that I did not know: the two words are very much linked together. See this quote I found:
“Wisdom is a virtue that isn't innate but can only be acquired through experience. Anyone who is interested in trying new things and reflecting on the process can gain wisdom. By learning as much as you can, analyzing your experiences, and putting your knowledge to the test, you can become a wiser person.”
You see, wisdom comes in the solitude of reflecting on our experiences. So, coming to understand solitude deeper even tied my two years of “one words” together in ways I did not expect. I learned to be more intentional with my quiet time, and I also learned to reflect.
What is my hope for next year? My hope for all of us is that we become more purposeful, contemplative people and through that we come to know ourselves better – to find our purposes. And to live it each day, each minute.
What might be your One Word for this upcoming year?
Chris Comeaux, President / CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network
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