1 min read
Value-Based Care and Reimbursement where the puck is headed and the puck is now in the arena
Chris Comeaux : 9/2/22 10:27 AM

In this podcast, Chris interviews Dr. Will Faber. Dr. Faber is a Primary Care Physician, full-time healthcare business consultant, and a TCN Board member. As healthcare accelerates towards value-based care and reimbursement, hospice and palliative care organizations are well-positioned to be part of the solution to where the puck is going. However, to be optimally positioned, we must understand what value-based care is and how it will impact all aspects of healthcare including the future of hospice and palliative care.
Dr. Faber’s 25 years of experience working with Clinically Integrated Networks gives him a wealth of knowledge on what value-based care means for every service provider in the healthcare continuum. This is a great resource for leaders, staff, and even board members in the hospice and palliative care space which will help shift the personal and organizational thinking of those who want to remain relevant in the future, especially given the impending volume of aging baby boomers.
Dr. Faber also shares how outcomes data is going to be the currency of the future, especially amidst ever-increasing competition. Just like reading reviews while shopping on Amazon, healthcare outcomes will lead consumers to “vote with their feet.”
This information will also greatly influence referral sources and payers. This is a great listen to gain a better understanding of where the puck is headed for healthcare as a whole and to prod your thinking regarding your own hospice and palliative care organization. Join us in this insight-filled learning opportunity.
Dr. William K. Faber, MD, MA, MHCM
Director in Guidehouse’s Value Transformation healthcare practice
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Chris Comeaux
CEO / President of Teleios Collaborative Network
Critics hang around and wait for others to make mistakes. But the real doers of the world have no time for criticizing others. They're too busy doing, making mistakes, improving, making progress. - Dr. Wayne Dyer
November 7-11th, 2022
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