Ring the Bell: How to implement the New Hospice Addendum!
Hospices are on the hook for all items, services, and drugs related to the patient’s prognosis. Stated in CMS language: “…services Unrelated to the...
Anyone reading hospice news or involved in hospice billing or compliance these days knows that the current audit pipeline is overflowing with activity from many different CMS contractors and other government agencies. The auditors, including MACs, UPICs, and SMRCs, have a flurry of audits underway – some narrowly focused on a small number of claims and others broadly auditing 300+ claims.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG), what I call a watchdog of Medicare funds, is looking at hospice both directly, targeting patients admitted without a recent emergency department visit or hospitalization, and indirectly, targeting non-hospice spending for outpatient services. These audits carry significant costs for organizations – staff time, attorney or consultant fees, and claim denials resulting in overpayments.
Can we plug the audit pipeline and stop the flood of audits? Not immediately. Can we be well prepared for the audits that will inevitably come our way? Absolutely! Quality documentation is the KEY to all audits. A hospice organization may have a great audit response process and team, but without quality documentation the outcome is likely to be less than ideal. Medical reviewers are issuing both technical and clinical denials and the OIG is pushing CMS to require that hospices refund any identified overpayments.
Quality documentation reduces denials leading to recoupments. If a denial does come, quality documentation can help us defend it. What are some of the common denial reasons in recent audits?
Yes, there is a lot at stake, but with high quality documentation, you can significantly reduce your risk for denials. When they do happen, appeals are easier to prepare. I can argue a denial through multiple appeal levels, but without quality documentation, it is difficult write a solid appeal summary or convince an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) in a hearing.
Bottom line, audits will continue to flow, but with quality documentation, your organization can say “We’ve got this” with confidence.
Annette Kiser
Chief Compliance Officer
An organizational model that allows nonprofit hospices (Members) to leverage best practices, achieve economies of scale and collaborate
in ways that better prepare each agency to participate in emerging alternative payment models and advance
their charitable missions.
Hospices are on the hook for all items, services, and drugs related to the patient’s prognosis. Stated in CMS language: “…services Unrelated to the...
What the heck is a Carve-in?It is the opposite of what Hospice providers have enjoyed for the past many years - the Carve-out! Currently, Medicare...
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to listen to a panel of physicians, hospital discharge planners, and skilled nursing center leaders talk about...