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The Anatomy of Leadership Intro Show

The Anatomy of Leadership Intro Show

In this inaugural episode of The Anatomy of Leadership podcast, Chris Comeaux introduces himself and his new book, The Anatomy of Leadership,  and discusses his passion for leadership and its impact on the world.




Chris shares an email exchange with his mentor, Dr. Lee Thayer, who profoundly influenced his understanding of leadership, and this email was the jumping-off point for the book. It's a great brain teaser that makes you think, what is this thing called leadership?


Chris then outlines the meta-framework of leadership from his book, which includes self-mastery, caring for others, influence, intention, and cause and purpose. It also introduces the concept of the seven M's: mission, margin, meaning management, message into the community, making people, making the organization, and mapping the future. Each element of the meta-framework of leadership will theme each future episode with insightful guests that will enable us to go deeper on each topic. 


This podcast will be a great way to get pearls of wisdom and practical tools for improving your leadership performance while challenging you regarding your cause and purpose and how to live it better.


Key Takeaways:

  • Leadership is about making an impact and changing the trajectory of things.
  • The meta-framework of leadership includes self-mastery, caring for others, influence, intention, and cause and purpose.
  • The seven M's of leadership are mission, margin, meaning management, message into the community, making people, making the organization, and mapping the future.
  • The future podcast will explore these topics in-depth and feature guest experts.


This is a great listen and one to subscribe to for the future so you don’t miss an episode. 


Chris Comeaux

Chris Comeaux
MLAS, CPA; President/CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network
and Teleios Consulting Group

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Everything hangs by a thread based on whether you are leading. - Chris Comeauc


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