Sailboats only move when forces are in balance, when there is wind from above and lift from below. In life’s journey, we have two forces that require balance—the learning mode and cause and purpose. In sailing, if the wind is not pushing the sails at the correct angle, the sails shake, but there is no movement. This is called the “no-go-zone”.
To avoid stagnating in the no-go zone, we remain in the learning mode. Succinctly put, the learning mode means being curious, humble, and teachable. How do we know if we have these qualities? We think about our thoughts. We can set aside quiet time each day to evaluate our attitudes and perspectives. We can ask ourselves questions like “Am I approaching life with gratitude, awe and wonder? Do I listen deeply to others, especially those different from me? Do I see the most challenging people in my life as teachers?
While we are in the learning mode, we can still be true to our cause and purpose, A well-constructed hull, which is the watertight body of the boat, provides buoyancy and protection. Our cause and purpose ensure we stay afloat and move in the right direction. They protect us from distractions. How do we know if our cause and purpose are well-constructed? Once again, we set aside time to think about how we think and evaluate our motives and intentions. We can ask ourselves questions like, “Am I making choices aligned with my values? Are my priorities in their proper order? Am I living intentionally, so at the end of my life, I will feel good about my contributions?”
If we discipline ourselves to have consistent quiet reflection, we will inevitably find that from time to time, our sails need adjusting and our hull needs maintenance. We may even find ourselves in the no-go-zone. When this happens, taking an extended time to think about how we think is in order. This extended time could consist of going on a retreat, structured or unstructured. It could involve working with a coach or spiritual director. We may simply need a few days in a peaceful place. If we are intentional, we will make our way to our ultimate destination.
Raquel Braithwaite
TCN Coach and Vice President
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