In this podcast, Chris interviews Rebecca Heiss, PhD, and CEO/Founder of icueity, LLC.
Rebecca is a stress physiologist and uses her background in science to create a space for women to become the leaders they were meant to be and to realize and live their purposes beyond the fear, stress, and anxiety that tends to take them off course. In this podcast, Chris discusses with Rebecca her program “the Fearless Accelerator.” While this might seem to apply to only women who have leadership positions today in the hospice and palliative care space you will quickly see the wisdom Rebecca has to share applies to women working throughout hospice, palliative care, serious illness space, and every facet of life.
This podcast will inspire you, and also make you want to go and learn more about the wisdom Rebecca is sharing. For the men in our listening audience while you might think you can skip this one, if you have a woman in your life, it is informative, and also the wisdom applies to you as well. You will enjoy this one so please join us.