In this episode of TCNtalks, host Chris Comeaux interviews Meg Pekarske, a partner and head of the Hospice and Palliative Care Practice Group at Husch Blackwell.  They discuss Meg's extensive expertise in Hospice Care, the significant challenges, and promising opportunities for growth and diversification.
Meg makes it clear that strategic planning is essential.  Adapting to shifts in the payer market and implementing legal restructuring to support new care models are critical to success.  The conversation boldly addresses the need for innovation and collaboration to navigate the ever-changing landscape of Hospice and Palliative care.  It also touches on surprising facets that reveal Meg's unique approach—she is not your average attorney.
This episode highlights the vital role of emotional intelligence and genuine connections in the legal and healthcare sectors.  This is a must-listen for Hospice and Palliative care organization staff, leaders, and board members.  Don't miss out on this timely and relevant discussion.

Podcast Transcript




Special Guest

Meg Pekarske

Meg Pekarske

Partner and Head of the Hospice and Palliative Care
Practice Group at the Law Firm of Husch Blackwell



Our Host

Chris Comeaux

Chris Comeaux
President / CEO of Teleios

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Podcast Quote

Quote by Georgia O'Keeffe



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Dragonfly Health