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Culture of Collaboration: Moving Forward

Culture of Collaboration: Moving Forward

Moving Forward with Creating a Culture of Collaboration - Step 2: STOP Complaining and START promoting Curiosity.  This is the second of three installments in a blog series.  The first installment was "Culture of Collaboration."


Challenge yourself to live from the learning mode space instead of the knowing mode.  We aren’t perfect humans, nor do we have perfect organizations, so let’s stop expecting it.  Let’s start promoting curiosity through being in the learning mode.  It is okay to not know the answer, not have it all figured out, and not understand why something is one way, but it is not okay to put our personal complaints onto others.


Instead, a high-performer carefully considers what could be learned, improved, and innovated and pursues it from a place of care and curiosity.  Special attention to the definition of care is one of importance.  Care is defined as holding self and others responsible for being their very best, always learning and growing.


A high-performer realizes that in order to grow in their own competence, they have to live from a place of curiosity for learning.  A high-performer realizes that they will never know or understand everything, but also understands that if they dedicate time and effort to building trust with those around them, the trust will grow and clarity will come where needed.


Consider the amount of time wasted by complaining, by jumping to conclusions, and by concocting ideas… How much wiser and more productive would it be if we all were curious learners?  An organization’s vision cannot be accomplished to the fullest extent if we allow complaining instead of curiosity. We may likely not agree with all decisions that are made, but how we seek to learn more is an indicator of a high performer.


How are you forming opportunities for people to come together and learn, share, and ask questions? How could you begin promoting curiosity among yourself and your team to not only elevate performance and outcomes but also to increase engagement and satisfaction?


(To be continued.  Part three of Creating a Culture of Collaboration will appear in two weeks.)


Dr. Millicent Burke-Sinclair

Human Resources Coach, TCN and Teleios University Professor




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