
What do Love & Strategy have to do with CAHPS scores?

Written by Chris Comeaux | 6/1/22 6:00 PM

In this podcast, Chris interviews Janelle McCallum, Chief Clinical Operations Officer of TCN to discuss a very thought-provoking subject:   

What do Love & Strategy have to do with CAHPS scores? 

After many trials and errors trying to figure out why CAHPS scores did not seem to reflect what we often have heard about our “great hospice care,” Janelle McCallum created a framework called “The 5 Gems of Quality”.  It is based on two paths:  Love and Strategy.  Both matter when it comes to excellent CAHPS outcomes. 


Our Guest

Janelle McCallum
Chief Clinical Operations Officer
Teleios Collaborative Network



Our Host


Chris Comeaux
President & CEO
Teleios Collaborative Network




I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.  - Maya Angelou